Press release concerning intolerant and antisemitic remarks broadcasted on the public television

siglaUBRThe Baptist Union of Romania takes note with surprise and disappointment about the intolerant and anti-Semitic remarks broadcasted on the public television during a Christmas caroling presentation on the 6th of December.

The minority religious groups are aware of the way in which the public television has not been able for a number of years to present in an objective way the identity, spirituality and the contribution of the religious minorities in Romania. However, promoting such attitudes as: denigration and hate towards other denominations and religions cannot be part of the discourse developed by a democratic society which has embraced the European values of human dignity and freedom of faith.

The Baptist Union of Romania rejects any racist attitude and those who promote such acts as an acceptable expression of the Romanian cultural identity.

During this period of Advent, when Christians from all the world prepare to celebrate the birth of the Jesus Christ the Saviour, we pray that the message of the angels “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” will also be the message of all the Romanian Christians.

Otniel Ioan Bunaciu
President, Baptist Union of Romania
President, European Baptist Federation

Revista Crestinul Azi

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